Parent Coaching Changes Family Life
Parent Coaching has been around for years and years, yet it is often unknown and unheard of. “What’s a parent coach?” I’m asked over and over. Why is that? Is parent coaching the worlds best kept secret? Uh, yeah, it is. However, once you know, you know. As soon as you start parent coaching, you can’t help but wonder, “How have I not known that this form of help has been available?" “Where was support and help like this when I was struggling the most?”
Oh, I know. How many times I have heard this over and over. “Where were you when my kids were small?” “OMG, if only I knew you just five years back when I was in constant tears and so much anger!”
Empowering parents through coaching and a supportive relationship, my mission as a certified parent coach is to foster strong and vibrant family dynamics and help strengthen resilient, confident parents.
How Does Parent Coaching Help Parents?
Using my 30+ years as a progressive Early Childhood Educator and parenting three children, I use evidence-based practices and personalized coaching, meeting your individual and specific parenting needs. Working together, I equip parents with the consciousness, awareness, tools and insights needed to navigate the complexities of parenthood.
It’s not magic. It’s relationship, which we build together, and a relationship that I help you recreate with your child.
It’s connection and the importance of being fully present and engaged with our child.
It’s learning how to set clear limits and boundaries and how to use structure and routine, because that’s where the magic is. Children thrive with routine, predictability and knowing what to expect.
It’s understanding our child better and where they are in their development at this particular time. It’s about making our expectations reasonable and realistic.
It’s focusing on the positives and finding what’s already going well in your parenting, and growing more of it.
It’s a commitment to self care, for that’s where the honey from the bee is, in calm, peaceful parenting.
It’s understanding what’s not working at home, and bringing in new energy, new vitality and new systems that work.
Parent Coaching helps parents identify their core values, identify their parenting style and understand their own behavior and actions and how we are contributing to the challenges at home, without realizing it.
My commitment is sincere; to create a warm, non-judgmental space where parents can open up and discover their fullest parenting strengths, without being bossy and demanding. I help parents overcome their perceived limitations and challenges in parenting, and build strong connections with their children. Through collaboration and partnering, I strive to inspire positive parenting transformations, ultimately contributing to the well-being and flourishing of families.
Coaching begins as soon as we meet, and so does the transformation. The changes in parenting begin with changing ourselves, which is where the power is.